Windows our linux? Linux just add the log file location to the file that are part of rotate.d and thats solved daily.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone.
>From : Brian Wilkins
Subject : [stunnel-users] Log rollover
I have noticed my stunnel log has reached 100MB on an unmanned system. Is there an option to cause the stunnel log to rollover and delete the old log file after a pre-defined period of time? If not, I can try adding it to log.c.
-----Original Message----- <br>
From: Brian Wilkins <><br>
Sent: 6/11/2012 3:48:22 PM <br>
To: <><br>
Subject: [stunnel-users] Log rollover <br>
I have noticed my stunnel log has reached 100MB on an unmanned system. Is there an option to cause the stunnel log to rollover and delete the old log file after a pre-defined period of time? If not, I can try adding it to log.c.<br>