I have been using openssl_0.9.7g and stunnel_4.10 on Solaris 9 without problem for 2 years in a production environment.
I want to upgrade to openssl_0.9.8e and stunnel_4.20 on solaris 10.
I have done some test on a development system and I have seen a new message in stunnel log file.
Old message with openssl_0.9.7g and stunnel_4.10 on Solaris 9 was :
Aug 3 14:51:58 solario stunnel[345]: [ID 702911 local6.notice] Too many retries on SSL shutdown
New message with openssl_0.9.8e and stunnel_4.20 on solaris 10 is :
Aug 3 14:42:30 daprxuu stunnel: [ID 821868 local6.error] LOG3[20957:4]: SSL_shutdown/SSL_get_error returned 6
I don't know if this new message has replaced the old one I was getting.
Can someone tell me what is behind this message "_shutdown/SSL_get_error returned 6"?
Please note that I am able to transfer message with both system (stunnel 4.10 and stunnel 4.20) from a windows client without any apparent problem.
Thank you for your help,
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