Hi all,
I may have found a possible memory leak in stunnel (version 4.15) when
used with pthreads.
What I am seeing is the memory usage going up when connections open and
never going down, no matter if all the connections close.
It is really easy to reproduce it: I have started two stunnel instances
communicating with each other, the first one acting as a server (config
file stunnel.1) and executing cat, the second one acting as a client
(config file stunnel.2) and opening port 5556.
Then I execute the script I have attached that simply opens 500
connections using netcat to port 5556.
If you cat /proc/<stunnel pid>/status you can see that the memory usage
is about 300MB.
The problem is that even after all the connections are closed the memory
usage stays (more or less) the same.
I tried to find the bug myself using valgrind, but I couldn't get far,
it seems that valgrind gets confused by openssl so doesn't print very
useful informations.
I really appreciate any help you can give me; just tell me if you need
any other info.
Best Regards,
Stefano Stabellini
while test $i -lt 520
cat script | nc 5556 &>/dev/null &
echo $i
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
foreground = yes
accept = 5555
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem
exec = cat
foreground = yes
accept = 5556
cert = /etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem
client = yes
connect = 5555