Hi there.
Perhaps this is a foolishness, but it happens to me, triggering a
great headache.
I'm Debian (Wheezy) user, using stunnel 4.53-1.1.
I copied the stunnel configuration from another machine for a
simple LAN SMTP relay. When I tried to reload the script, I got this:
# /etc/init.d/stunnel4 start
> Reloading configuration SSL tunnels: /etc/init.d/stunnel4: 34: test: /var/lib/stunnel4/: unexpected operator
A few hours laters, I discovered the problem was in config file, in
the chroot parameter:
chroot = /var/lib/stunnel4
Specifically, with a hide space at the end of the line:
chroot = /var/lib/stunnel4[ ]
In the init script, in the function get_pids(), this mistake caused
that this checkout fails:
if test -f $CHROOT/$PIDFILE; then
'cat /var/lib/stunnel4///stunnel.pid' is not the same as 'cat
/var/lib/stunnel4/[ ]//stunnel.pid'
Perhaps a suggestion, a little change here:
CHROOT=`grep "^chroot" $file|sed "s;.*= *;;"`
Adding a space filter:
CHROOT=`grep "^chroot" $file|sed "s;.*= *;;" | tr -d " "`