In Windows 10 I have done the following:
  1.  Created a directory C:\Certificates\
  2.  From the Microsoft Management Concole (MMC) I have exported all the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities\Certificates" as Personal Information exchange .PFX with a passcode
  3. Using a Powershell environment, I change directories to C:\Certificates\ and run openssl
    From the openssl prompt convert the above .PFX file to a .pem file
    openssl pkcs12 -in All_Trusted.pfx -out All_Trusted.pem -nodes
  4. Next I run the following openssl command
    OpenSSL s_client -CApath c:\Certificates\ -connect -CAfile All_Trusted.pem

After a bunch of output, I get the notification
Verification:  OK

This tells me that the verification has passed the remote certificate.

Using this to inform my stunnel configuration, I configure:

client = yes
accept =
connect =
CAfile = C:\Certificates\All_Trusted.pem
CApath = C:\Certificates\ 
securityLevel = 1
verifyChain = yes
checkHost =
sslVersion = TLSv1.2
sslVersionMax = TLSv1.2

Although the preverification succeeds at each "depth", the verification fails at the end:

CERT: Pre-verification succeeded  (**Note, this is a change from before I added the above CAfile and CApath values**)
CERT: Subject checks failed
Rejected by CERT at depth=0: C=GB, L=London, O=Gain Capital UK Limited, CN=*
Remove session callback
TLS alert (write): fatal: internal error
SSL_connect: ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:2091: error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed

So my question becomes two parts:
  1. How do I get the Subject checks to pass for CERT;
  2. How do I get rid of the TLS "write" alert which is an internal error?

Thank you
-William Wood