Arsen, you are right, that article is old.  It presumes you're using stunnel3.  The current version of stunnel is stunnel4; which uses a configuration file instead of those command line arguments.  For example, below is what you would see in a generic stunnel server config file:

cert = /etc/stunnel/apache.pem
key  = /etc/stunnel/apache.pem

debug = 7
output = /etc/stunnel/debug.log

;sslVersion = all

setuid = nobody
setgid = nobody
pid = /var/run/stunnel/

socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

accept  = 995
connect = 110

accept  = 993
connect = 143

accept  = 465
connect = 25

accept  = 443
connect = localhost:80

.  Only very limited command line arguments are permitted in stunnel4.  In your case, if you want to get results quicker, it may be a lot easier to just look for an old version of stunnel3 to download.

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I’m trying to set up wireshark debugging of ssl traffic by following this article:
It lists following stunnel commands to do the job:
Listen on local IP and de-SSL traffic to localhost:8080
sudo stunnel -p ps.pem -d 443 -r 8080
Listen on 8080, re-SSL to remote server on 443
sudo stunnel -c -d 8080 -r
The article seems outdated, and stunnel does not react on these commands anymore.
Can anyone provide me with a proper configuration file to do the same?