I followed the Agent/Stunnel instructions on WURD. I reached the point where I added a space, followed by -install to the shortcut target path. When I attempted to execute this, a message appeared: "Failed to create a new service." I want to thank all those who answered my previous request. I am hoping that someone with experience using Stunnel in conjunction with Agent might be able to help me. I can't for the life of me figure out what I did differently from the first time I installed Stunnel to run with Agent. One person who replied to my previous request asked if I had uninstalled the previous installation of Stunnel. The only way I could do this was to delete all of the programs in the Stunnel directory, because Stunnel does not appear on the list of programs under Add and Delete Programs via Control Panel. Note: I originally was using version 4.07. I am now attempting to use version 4.10. Could this be the problem? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.