After browsing all previous list messages I havent found information about
an error I get compiling stunnel with visual studio. The errors appear in
linking step with undefined symbol message: "undefined symbol: LNK2019
undefined symbol _exit_stunnel referenced in function _main_initialize".
I also attach the Makefile.w32 changed to work with visual studio.
Thanks in advance.
Makefile.w32 follows:
# Simple Makefile.w32 for stunnel.exe by Michal Trojnara 1998-2000
# Modified by Brian Hatch (bri@stunnel.org)
# This makefile is only tested on the mingw compiler. Mingw
# can successfully compile both openssl and stunnel. If you want
# to use another compiler, give it a shot, and tell us how it went.
# Modify this to point to your actual openssl compile directory
# (You did already compile openssl, didn't you???)
# You may want to add some of the following flags
# to the DEFINES definition above.
# Location of default certificate file for -v option
# -DCERT_FILE=\"/stunnel/certs/certs.pem\"
# Location of default certificate directory for -v option
# -DCERT_DIR=\"/stunnel/certs\"
# Default directory for stunnel.pem file
# -DPEM_DIR=\"/stunnel/private\"
# Use the default certificate sources from your ssl library? (0==no, 1==yes)
# LIBS=-L$(SSLDIR)/out -lssl -lcrypto -lwsock32 -lgdi32
# LIBS=-L$(SSLDIR)/out -leay32 -lssl32 -lwsock32 -lgdi32
LIBS="$(SSLDIR)\out32dll\libeay32.lib" "$(SSLDIR)\out32dll\ssleay32.lib" "wsock32.lib" "gdi32.lib"
OBJS=stunnel.obj ssl.obj protocol.obj sthreads.obj log.obj
stunnel.exe: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o stunnel.exe $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
# {.}.c{_obj\}.obj::
$(CC) /c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) @<<
del *.o
del stunnel.exe