Hi All,

I've been playing with this for a little while now and before the all in front of me and my head meet I was wondering if someone else could shed some light on this for me please.

First off let me give you a over view of the network setup:
My Virtual Machine has two interfaces eth0 has two addresses and is going to be for the management of the server and is what the website will respond too. eth1 has a network of its own and I have two Debian Apache web servers that are connected to this network and
If this was a real world setup I might have put the management address ( on a different port but I didn't think of that at the time of setting this up but I may do that later.

Second what have I done!
Well this is a brand new install of Centos6.2 minimal fully patched and both HAProxy and STunnel downloaded and installed. I'm using the devel version of HAProxy but thats a different story and version 4.53 of STunnel.

Now the problem.
Both seem to work perfectly as-long as I don't want to know who is accessing my site which make it next to useless. However, I can get HAProxy to report the IP Address of the visitor as long as you visit the HTTP page on port 80 as per my configuration file. I can also get STunnel to work with HAProxy but as soon as I enable 'protocol = proxy' the HTTPS side breaks and all I get in my browser is '400 Bad Request Your browser sent an invalid request'. I've played with everything I can thing of and I still cant get a Transparent STunnel>HAProxy solution working correctly.

Config Files:

chroot = /usr/local/var/lib/stunnel/
#setuid = nobody
setgid = nobody
pid = /stunnel.pid
cert = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
key = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
options = NO_SSLv2
debug = 7
#fips = no
accept =
connect =
protocol = proxy

        log /dev/log local4
        maxconn 40000
        ulimit-n 81000
        log global
        mode    http
        contimeout      4000
        clitimeout      42000
        srvtimeout      43000

listen http1
        mode http
        option http-server-close
        option  forwardfor
        source usesrc clientip
        balance roundrobin
        server http1_1 cookie http1_1 check  inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
        server http1_1 cookie http1_1 check  inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3

Log file
Apr  5 12:37:32 lbmaster haproxy[1351]: Proxy http1 started.
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: stunnel 4.53 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu platform
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: Compiled/running with OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: Threading:PTHREAD SSL:+ENGINE+OCSP+FIPS Auth:none Sockets:POLL+IPv6
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: Reading configuration from file /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: FIPS mode is enabled
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1353:140163149080512]: Initializing service section [https]
Apr  5 12:37:33 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1353:140163149080512]: Configuration successful
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1354:140163149076224]: Service [https] accepted connection from
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: connect_blocking: connecting
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster haproxy[1352]: Connect from to (http1/HTTP)
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1354:140163149076224]: connect_blocking: connected
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1354:140163149076224]: Service [https] connected remote server from
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: Server-mode proxy protocol negotiations started
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: Server-mode proxy protocol negotiations succeeded
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: SSL accepted: new session negotiated
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256-bit encryption)
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: Compression: null, expansion: null
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG6[1354:140163149076224]: SSL_shutdown successfully sent close_notify alert
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1354:140163149076224]: Error detected on socket (read) file descriptor: Broken pipe (32)
Apr  5 12:37:41 lbmaster stunnel: LOG5[1354:140163149076224]: Connection reset: 187 byte(s) sent to SSL, 1 byte(s) sent to socket

Any help would be most gracefully received and welcome.
