Ross Richardson wrote, on 05/20/11 01:02:
Does /etc/hosts.allow contain an entry for solid-pop3d permitting connections from localhost?
Cheers, rlr
I've put "pop3s", the name of the service in the stunnel config file, into /etc/hosts.allow. "solid-pop3d" itself is not linked against libwrap. By the way, if I let "solid-pop3d" run as a daemon itself and use
connect = 100
instead of
exec = /usr/sbin/solid-pop3d execargs = solid-pop3d
in the config file the "pop3s" service works. But, as I said, "solid-pop3d" itself is not linked against libwrap and , therefor, accepts connections to port 110 from every host. To avoid this without running inetd with tcpd, I wanted stunnel to do the job of starting the pop3-server. From what I understood from the documentation, it should be possible.