
While I don't generally use Stunnel for HTTPS, I found your question interesting.  Since I'm always trying
to experiment with configurations of and applications for Stunnel, I decided to give it a whirl.

I'm happy to confirm that it works just fine for me.  I'm not connecting to the site in your example,
but the principle is the same. Perhaps the answer lies in how your browser parses that URL,
and how, as a result, it inserts that data into the stream.

For the experiment, I used Firefox 9.0.1 running under Windows XP x86 with Stunnel version 4.53.

My test config was:

debug = 6
fips = no
delay = yes
output = stunnel.log

client = yes
accept =
connect =

Where is just an example.  As you can see, I did not include any
TIMEOUTclose statement in my config file.

Then I pointed the browser at

As far as I can tell, all of the parameters contained in that string were passed on to the web site without
any difficulty.

You might want to check your log window to see what's happening when you try to connect via Stunnel.
Here's an actual example of the connection activity from my log:

2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG5[992:2548]: Service [https] accepted connection from ***.**.***.*:2671
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG6[992:2548]: connect_blocking: connecting ***.***.***.***:443
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG5[992:2548]: connect_blocking: connected ***.***.***.***:443
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG5[992:2548]: Service [https] connected remote server from ***.**.***.*:2672
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG6[992:2548]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG6[992:2548]: Negotiated TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphersuite: RC4-SHA (128-bit encryption)
2012.03.22 21:20:51 LOG6[992:2548]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2012.03.22 21:21:00 LOG6[992:2548]: SSL_shutdown successfully sent close_notify alert
2012.03.22 21:21:00 LOG5[992:2548]: Connection closed: 1879 byte(s) sent to SSL, 128546 byte(s) sent to socket

If you have to post again, it would be helpful if you included more detail.

Good luck with your application!


On 3/21/2012 9:50 AM, Alan C. Bonnici wrote:



I am new to STunnel. I am trying to connect to a service provided by


If from a browser I type the following:


The process works.


I just installed stunnel and have the following config file


; Debugging stuff (may useful for troubleshooting)

;debug = 7

;output = stunnel.log


; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode

cert = stunnel.pem

;key = stunnel.pem


; Disable support for insecure SSLv2 protocol

options = NO_SSLv2



client = yes

accept =  9012

connect =

TIMEOUTclose = 0


When I type username=xxxxxxx&password=xxxxx&from=xxxxxxx&to=xxxxxxx&text=xxxxxxxxxx


it does not.


Can anyone please confirm whether what I am trying to do is doable and maybe highlight what I am doing wrong.






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