This is my introduction to stunnel. I've inherited control of a pop3 and imap server running Red Hat Linux 4 that I want to access via pop3s and imaps. I'm starting out with securing the pop3 since most users are using it.
I downloaded stunnel 4.20 and compiled it according to the instructions on stunnel.org.
I read the certificates section of the site and made a new .pem file that I named mail.pem and have in the /usr/local/etc/stunnel/ directory that /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf asks for. But when I try to run stunnel like in the Examples section I get :
[van@mailserver ~]$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/stunnel -d pop3s -r localhost:ipop3 2007.06.20 17:59:54 LOG3[25516:3086419648]: -d: No such file or directory (2) Syntax: stunnel [<filename>] ] -fd <n> | -help | -version | -sockets <filename> - use specified config file instead of /usr/local/ etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf -fd <n> - read the config file from a file descriptor -help - get config file help -version - display version and defaults -sockets - display default socket options
I'm a little lost here. Never dealt with a .pem file before stunnel. I have a self-signed cert I'm successfully using for https webmail on the server and guessing stunnel couldn't see that, I appended my file 'mailserver.crt' into my mail.pem file and edited stunnel.conf so it has
;CAfile = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/certs.pem CAfile = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/mail.pem
but no dice. Same result.
Trying to debug, I find 'stunnel -V' also gives the same result.
Can someone point out what's going wrong?