Thanks for the info.
As a workaround, instead of using .\stunnel.exe -install -quiet
to install the stunnel service, I'm using the sc.exe command (so not relying on the stunnel CreateService() call when using -install option. I just don't know if there's a reason SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS is set in that call. I'll know soon enough) sc.exe create stunnel type= own .....
looking at the source, is seems that .\stunnel.exe -install does the equivalent of sc create stunnel type= interact type=own ....
so going from "type= interact type=own" to "type= own"
The service creation works fine, now on with the testing to verify that there are no side-effects. For now, with this, the error message that was showing up in the event log is no longer being reported and the service can be started/stopped/restarted.
Fingers crossed that there are no side-effects to the functionality with this change.