Dale Kingsbury wrote:
SO, I hook up stunnel, which works fine when I only start one thread, but if I use more than 1 thread, I get the following error in the stunnel.log. Note that the error is on thread 7140, and the connection is immediately closed. I have retry logic that re-starts failed threads, and the restarted thread works the second time. (of course, the first has finished, so it is essentially running by itself.)
2009.04.10 13:17:01 LOG3[3016:7140]: SSL_connect: 1408C095: error:1408C095:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_FINISHED:digest check failed

It looks like some serious problem with OpenSSL, like it was built without the support for threads.  What is your version of stunnel and OpenSSL?  Do you use my builds of the code, or you build it yourself?  Please send use the output of "stunnel -version".

Best regards,