You need to run poweshell as an elevated session and you may need to change a security policy to be able to install the service.  Can't remember exactly what that command is, I'm on my phone.

FWIW, I don't recall needing to do that, I think I ran a. Installer and that was it.  I might have also set a local user in the service login. 



On 4 July 2024 10:11:40 William Wood <> wrote:

Apparently to get stunnel to work, I have to install it as a service in Windows.  In order to do this, I fire up a powershell, change directories to the stunnel\bin\, and run the command:
.\stunnel -install

This results in the error message:
OpenSCManager: error 5: Access is denied
Not sure what to do, as I am running as an administrator
Any help would be appreciated
-William Wood
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