Ivan Trancik descent89@gmail.com wrote:
Remote mode is a "I<connect> option"? What the heck? And local mode is a "I<exec> option"? Does this "I" thingie stand for unnamed pipe or capital "i" or small cap "L"??
My mistake. I updated in on http://stunnel.mirt.net/static/stunnel.html#service_level_options Brian Hatch may eventually mirror it to stunnel.org.
I ran to this problem when I tried to set up stunnel on Mac OS X and carelessly used some example config on web.
Please read the following paragraphs. They explicitly lists supported platforms.
Setting "transparent = yes" in Mac OS X will result in very funny behavior.
Non-local-bind needs to be supported by the OS kernel. It's not possible to get this feature running without kernel support.
Final question - is it possible on OS X (which doesn't have iptables interface, but has ipfw) to set up transparent proxy tunnel with stunnel?