
Thank you Mr. Trojnara for this great application.

The out-of-the-box installation for stunnel-4.17 on Windows reports the use of OpenSSL 0.9.7i
I do not know if this is intentional but, taking into account that the chagelog for version 4.17 mentioned the use of new DLLs for OpenSSL (0.9.8c) I tought it was a little odd.

Replacing the DLLs provided with the installer, with the ones from the openssl folder from the download area works fine.

OpenSSL 0.9.7i
6ab1ba88456965f390ba502b03e0d798 *libeay32.dll
1b4f671441caf5840d07f8ff69b86b6a *libssl32.dll
b6f4f36ea68c6ba99296138601784316 *zlib1.dll

OpenSSL 0.9.8c
cfb82f221e058c21e0e29410749f2324 *libeay32.dll
9fbe123c315a92b11dd47748efe3401f *libssl32.dll
b6f4f36ea68c6ba99296138601784316 *zlib1.dll

Thank you very much

Leandro Avila