On 05/05/2023 01:14, sportman7@netzero.com wrote:
Thought I'd try adding more details. Again, a Stunnel user for many years. Just do not understand what needs to be done for me to deliver this newest version of Stunnel to a client that is running my software. I currently have all Stunnel files stored on the local C drive for each user. The app code references that folder. In the past, I simply copied the new downloaded files (.DLL. .EXE, etc.) to this folder. This does not work now.
Is there some preparation that needs done to these files? Do I need to create a private key after the download or will the new downloaded .PEM file work as is? Really appreciate any and all advice on this.
Just copy the entire stunnel folder (with all of its subfolders) to your application. Don't forget to include the stunnel's license when you distribute your application to your customers.
If it doesn't work, first read https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html, and then describe your problem accordingly.
Best regards, Mike