Config and logs below but redacted, this is running on 2016 server, if it matters I am starting it over an RDP session


I find that the port is ignored in the config file and it always binds to ports in the 23*** range








; Sample stunnel configuration file by Michal Trojnara 2002-2006

; Some options used here may not be adequate for your particular configuration


; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode

; The default certificate is provided only for testing and should not

; be used in a production environment

;cert = stunnel.pem

;key = stunnel.pem


; Some performance tunings

socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1

socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1


; Workaround for Eudora bug



; Authentication stuff

;verify = 2

; Don't forget to c_rehash CApath

;CApath = certs

; It's often easier to use CAfile

;CAfile = certs.pem

; Don't forget to c_rehash CRLpath

;CRLpath = crls

; Alternatively you can use CRLfile

;CRLfile = crls.pem


; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting

debug = 7

output = /stunnel.log


; Use it for client mode

client = yes


; Service-level configuration




[Service Config]


connect = redacted:443



log file


2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Dispatching a signal from the signal pipe

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Processing SIGNAL_RELOAD_CONFIG

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Running on Windows 6.2

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG5[main]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG5[main]: UTF-8 byte order mark detected

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Compression disabled

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: No PRNG seeding was required

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [Service Config]

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Ciphers: HIGH:!aNULL:!SSLv2:!DH:!kDHEPSK

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: TLSv1.3 ciphersuites: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: TLS options: 0x02100004 (+0x00000000, -0x00000000)

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: No certificate or private key specified




2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG4[main]: Service [Digital-Prod-MTF-FIX-MD] needs authentication to prevent MITM attacks

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG5[main]: Configuration successful

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Deallocating section defaults

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG5[main]: Logging to C:\Users\turnert\AppData\Local\/stunnel.log

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Binding service [New Broker FIX Demo-Trading]

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Listening file descriptor created (FD=1296)

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Setting accept socket options (FD=1296)

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG6[main]: Service [New Broker FIX Demo-Trading] (FD=1296) bound to

2020.04.18 10:08:18 LOG7[main]: Binding service [Service Config]



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LMAX Group is the holding company of LMAX Exchange, LMAX Global and LMAX Digital. Our registered address is Yellow Building, 1A Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN.