We needed to reconfigure Stunnel for the SAP Business Objects server that sent email reports from G Suite over to a configuration that sends from an O365 account.
The problem is that some of the reports work fine after the reconfiguration, while others always fail and I can’t find out why and nothing has changed other than the mail settings. Microsoft doesn’t even see the failed reports hitting their
servers but when I look at Stunnel it seems like the TLS connection is being established correctly and I can see the connection being established from our firewall logs.
I’ve attached the current O365 config as well as the old GSuite conifg, as well as logs of the debug output I see when I run a report that succeeds versus a report that fails. Can anyone give me an idea as to why Stunnel seems to be working
to send out some reports but not others?
Thank you,
David Schmidt | Administrateur TI / IT Administrator | MTYGroup.com T+1 514-336-8885 Ext 8236 | C+1 514-708-7299 | 8210, route Transcanadienne, St. Laurent, QC, H4S 1M5 |
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