Hi everybody,


I’m absolutely new in stunnel. I came around because of a post in the google forums about making Symantec System Recovery mail through smtp.gmail.com. Symantec is not capable of doing SSL/TLS so I need a solution like stunnel.


But I’ve an issue: it doesn’t seem to work J


I installed the program ok, and configured in the following way:




socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1


socket= r:TCP_NODELAY=1








connect= smtp.gamil.com:465




The server is listening on port but when I do a telnet to that port gives an error and doesn’t seem to tunnel me to smtp.gmail.com. On the other  hand, I configured outlook to use that tunnel but gives an error stating it can reach the smtp server.


What am I doing wrong? Should I change the TLS version?


Best regards and thanks in advance.