When I first setup stunnel, I changed my software to reflect the [gmail-smtp] entries in my configuration file. When I tried to send an email from my application I received the following message:
"No Email sent, Error 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted."
Then I remarked out the authentication credentials in my software. When I tried to send an email I received the following message:
"No Email sent, Error-5.5.1 Authentication Required."
My question is, can place my authentication credentials in the "stunnel.conf" file? And if so, where?
Paul A. Muller * Systems and Networking Consultant Earnest & Associates * Profitability Improvement Specialists Voice: 305.822.5353 x354 * Fax: 305.822.5848 Email: paul.muller@earnestassoc.commailto:paul.muller@earnestassoc.com * Web: earnestassoc.comhttp://www.earnestassoc.com/ * Twitter: @earnestassochttp://twitter.com/earnestassoc