I'm writing to you because I haven’t found solution on the web.

In order to secure a connection between servers (1 client and 1 server stunnel), I chose the stunnel tool. However, I have an issue when I unplugged the network cable.

If I unplug the network cable on the remote side, Stunnel will detect the cutting only on the local side.

In fact, I would like to configure stunnel client in order to detect the unplugged network cable on server side.

I tried many configurations but without success:

socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1

socket = l:SO_LINGER=1:1

socket = l:SO_KEEPALIVE=1

socket = l:SO_REUSEADDR=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

socket = r:SO_LINGER=1:1

socket = r:SO_KEEPALIVE=1

socket = r:SO_REUSEADDR=1

Could you help me?

Thanks you in advance,
