Alexander Lazic wrote:
we run stunnel on an solaris 9 with unlimited FD. Today we get the follwing error:
connect_wait: s_poll_wait timeout
It simply means that your remote web server was not able to accept the connection within 10 seconds. You can increase the timeout with TIMEOUTconnect option.
With 'top' we see ~190-~220 threads and the client can't connect to our site.
Quite a huge load for a website. You could try squid as an http accelerator or cluster your webserver.
[https] accept = connect =
I think you could get a bit better performance with: "connect = 10800" (same as "connect = localhost:10800").
xforwardedfor = yes
I hope your xforwardedfor patch is not a security risk. AFAIR there were obvious buffer overflows in the patches on website.
Best regards, Mike