Thanks for the response...that is good news. I hadn't tried anything yet, I was just wondering if it could be I'm not getting any errors yet. This should make my life easier...I have to interface with another system that implemented it's SSL ports using JAVA (I think I originally stated C++, but I was wrong). I'm assuming I shouldn't have any problem with JAVA implemented SSL either right???
-----Brian Hatch <> wrote: -----
To: Jeffrey Buck <>
From: Brian Hatch <>
Date: 05/30/2008 01:06PM
Subject: Re: [stunnel-users] stunnel compatibility question
Not quite 2008-05-30 09:53 -0400, Jeffrey Buck conversed:
> I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not you can use stunnel
> on a client machine to connect to and communcate with an SSL enabled port on a
> server machine. (Note...the SSL enabled port on the server machine is NOT done
> using stunnel).
Yes. Stunnel supports all the ciphers and SSL/TLS protocols supported
by OpenSSL, which means it should work with durned near everything out
What's the error message you're getting when you run with debug = 7?
You may also want to sniff with ssldump, as it may provide more
interesting information.
Brian Hatch 'Man In The Middle' is a pretty symbolic
Systems and phrase, appropriate for discussing
Security Engineer diplomacy, customer support, and would probably make a pretty naff (and
successful) pop song. -- Geoff Thorpe.
Every message PGP signed