On Wed, 2016-03-30 10:54:29 +0000, Juhasz Gabor wrote:
I am newbie in stunnel world so sorry for my question if it was already answered earlier.
I have the following task to solve somehow :
We have 1 server with 2 stunnel connections (any kind). We have e.g. http communicatoin via tunnels. Is there any support in stunnel to connect them somehow. Probably we do not need bidirectional communication.
[client1]----- stunnel 1---> [server]------stunnel2 ----->[client2]
So [client1] --> [client2]
If there is no support in stunnel do you have any idea how to do it?
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish.
Let's start with nomenclature:
o A server is a unit (hardware or software) that provides services, e.g. e-mail distribution.
o A client is a unit that uses services a server provides.
A client connects to a server if it wants to use a service. For that, the server listens on an address (e.g. IP host address and TCP port number) known to the client.
For instance, a mail client establishes a TCP connection to TCP port 25 on a host running an SMTP mail server if it wants to send an e-mail.
A server does not establish any connections to clients. It just listens on a known address and waits for clients to connect.
If, in your example, 'client2' is a server according to my definition and 'client1' is a real client, then yes, stunnel could be used to e.g. encrypt the traffic between 'client1' and 'client2'.