I try to build Stunnel 4.25 under VS2005 ,but failed

         cl -MD -W3 -Ox -O2 -Ob2 -Gs0 -GF -Gy -GL -nologo  -I"..\..\ssl\inc32" -DUSE_WIN32 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE  -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -DHAVE_GETADDRINFO  -DHAVE_GETNAMEINFO -D_MBCS /c stunnel.c


prototypes.h(428) : error C2081: 'socklen_t' : name in formal parameter list illegal

stunnel.c(206) : error C2065: 'socklen_t' : undeclared identifier

stunnel.c(206) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'addrlen'

stunnel.c(206) : error C2065: 'addrlen' : undeclared identifier


I use  nmake –f vc.mak to do it


Anyone has build it successfully ,pls help me !

Another way ,is there a stunnel solution or project file ?

I also suggest build a windows client only version

n  It only can be running on windows

n  It only can act as a client

n  I think it can reduce the code size and runtime footprice smaller



Thanks and best regards

Eric dai