I had this problem with an older version. The log was about 400mb. I upgraded to the latest version and I haven't seen the issue occur since.

On 8 August 2016 at 00:21, Randall LeJeune <Randall.LeJeune@la.gov> wrote:

Hello all,


Has anyone experienced a full log file causing stunnel issues in the past? We tried upgrading from 4.56 to 5.17 and the upgrade seemed to go fine at first, but a day or so later we began to have some disconnects. Later we downgraded to 5.01 which worked OK at first, but then we ran into the same kinds of problems again after a few days.


We eventually put the stunnel.log file on a separate filesystem, but I am curious, has anyone else experienced any issues like this?




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    Lee Savidge
