Hello everyone.
I am new to Stunnel, but i would like to compile a working version for Android L.
The android version on the website is not compiled with PIE support, thus it does not run on Android L. I tried to look through the source code, and add the flags, -fPie and -pie, but i did not figure out where to do that.
Also, after settings 755 on build-android.sh and running it, i get Permission denied on creating folders inside the /bin/android folder, even if i am running as root user.
Any help is highly appreciated and i appologize if this has been already write in the archives, but i was not able to find anything related.
Hi Neacsu Mihai Adrian,
Please try stunnel 5.08b7: https://www.stunnel.org/downloads.html This version fixes a bug that resulted in the -pic option not being used by the linker. Please let me know whether the new binary runs on Android L.
Just configure stunnel with: ./configure --with-sysroot --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu - --host=arm-linux-androideabi --prefix=/data/local
Thank you.
It worked. Also, i just tested with the stunnel binary on the website and it was compiled with PIE support, so i did not had to compile it.
Thank you once again.
În Wed Dec 03 2014 at 1:17:32 PM, Michal Trojnara Michal.Trojnara@mirt.net a scris: