Is there any update on the compatibility issues between openssl-0.9.8n and openssl-1.0.0? The same configuration file was used in both cases. Linux CentOS 5.4 and SuSE 11.1. Stunnel and openssl both built from sources. I have a number of self-signed certificates in a sub-directory. With openssl-1.0.0, the error is:
VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error= self signed certificate:...
SSL_accept: 140890B2: error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate returned
With openssl-0.9.8n
VERIFY OK: depth=0, ...
I have compiled and linked a version of openssh-5.4p1 from sources with openssl-1.0.0 and it works correctly.
Carter Browne wrote:
Is there any update on the compatibility issues between openssl-0.9.8n and openssl-1.0.0? The same configuration file was used in both cases. Linux CentOS 5.4 and SuSE 11.1. Stunnel and openssl both built from sources. I have a number of self-signed certificates in a sub-directory.
Did you rehash the subdirectory?