Has anybody patched stunnel to modify its name in ps output, setproctitle-style, to tell more about itself? I'm thinking a config parameter "processname" which the user can specify in the service_name stanza (or just tack the service_name onto the end of the process title).
I use stunnel mostly for ad-hoc client connections, or in a script to plug a perl script that knows how to fuzz IMAP, SMTP, etc into an SSL listener. For me the stunnel 3 command-line flag usage was ideal.
But, I finally gave up and switched to using stunnel v4, usually piping a dynamically-generated config in on an fd. The downside with that is now instead of 'ps' showing useful, differentiating commandline flags for each stunnel process, I just have dozens of 'stunnel -fd 0's. It's possible to track down who's going where (netstat -antp, etc) but that's painful. Being able to set an arbitrary, meaningful-to-humans process name (or extra tag, etc) from config entries would resolve this, and might be useful for people with more conventional uses for stunnel.
Hank Leininger hlein@korelogic.com BE5D FCCA 673B D18B 98A9 3175 896E 3D4A 1B4D C5AC