Hello. I would like to install stunnel on 64-bit Win7, and I would like to know whether it is possible to do so by just unzipping the downloaded files into one folder and then clicking on the main executable, that is, to avoid making registry entries, etc. I would like to have a minimal impact to whatever extent is possible. Can it be done in this way, or does it need the whole shebang installer procedure to be run?
You can download the tarball archive and then go to the src directory and make it yourself, then you can copy the binaries and OpenSSL DLL wherever you need. See INSTALL.W32 text file.
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:39 PM, John jw72253@verizon.net wrote:
Yes. It can be done. Haven't tried lately, but You can run the installer, customize your setup, make sure it works and then create your zip file. Looks like you only want to run stunnel as an application, not as a service.
-----Original Message----- From: "John" jw72253@verizon.net Sender: stunnel-users-bounces@stunnel.org Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:39:44 To: stunnel-users@mirt.net Subject: [stunnel-users] clean installation on Windows
Hello. I would like to install stunnel on 64-bit Win7, and I would like to know whether it is possible to do so by just unzipping the downloaded files into one folder and then clicking on the main executable, that is, to avoid making registry entries, etc. I would like to have a minimal impact to whatever extent is possible. Can it be done in this way, or does it need the whole shebang installer procedure to be run?
_______________________________________________ stunnel-users mailing list stunnel-users@stunnel.org http://stunnel.mirt.net/mailman/listinfo/stunnel-users
To run stunnel as an app rather than a service.
Unzip all the stuff .... at a command prompt (or in a batch file) do
start /b stunnel.exe
This will bring up the stunnel symbol in the tray as well.
When you have finished with it
taskkill /f /im stunnel.exe
Works for me. The first time you run it you may get a bit of firewall stuff to cope with, but that is just a oncer, However, when you kill it, the tray icon does not disappear (on my Vista machine). So if I do it all again I get two tray icons, then three then etc etc.
If I put the mouse on the row of tray icons after killing stunnel, they all disappear ... go figure
I'm using stunnel with blat to give me "email-from-anywhere" functionality.
IB John jw72253@verizon.net wrote:
You can refresh the tray icons by using this "hack":
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Ian Boag ian.boag@gmail.com wrote:
"Ian Boag" ian.boag@gmail.com wrote in message news:CAN-EhcF68bG4scHwhdTTF_Wp_6jb_in_f1Z-5YFyx-Tf3LCX+A@mail.gmail.com...
Hi, Ian.
I know I used the word zip to make my inquiry, and that did confuse the issue a bit. Here is my thought stated a bit more clearly. Although I don’t see a zip file per se, I do see an EXE installer. I can open this installer easily enough using 7-zip and see all the files inside it. I am wondering whether there is any reason I should not simply have 7-zip extract the contents into a single folder of my choice and then fire up the main program executable, which, I think, would then create its own working ini or config file with default values. I could then edit these defaults to my specifications and I should be good to go.
Does that sound like a viable approach? I don’t want to loose any security benefits. However, if at all possible, I want to avoid registry entries, etc. If I intend to run the program only as an application at this point, not as a service, would this work? Thanks.