I would like to use SNI in combination with wildcard certificates. I currently have the following configuration:
[https] accept = 443 connect = 80 TIMEOUTclose = 0 cert = C:\default.pem key = C:\default.key
;SNI Config ;========== [https_a] sni = https:one.org connect = 80 cert = C:\a.pem key = C:\a.key
[https_a_wc] sni = https:*.one.org connect = 80 cert = C:\b.pem key = C:\b.key
If I go to https://one.org then I can see a.pem in the browser. If I go to https://mysubdomain.one.org I see default.pem. What am I missing??
Thanks! Gustavo
On 2012-09-27 19:51, Gustavo Machado wrote:
I would like to use SNI in combination with wildcard certificates.
Cool. Would you like to sponsor wildcard SNI support in stunnel?
I could not find a single reference to that file being the one with openssl 1.0+. I assumed the "b" was for beta/unstable. I think maybe it can be outlined somewhere?