I organize the speakers for the SF Bay Area Large-Scale Production Engineering meetup (http://www.meetup.com/SF-Bay-Area-Large-Scale-Production-Engineering/ ; take a look at the "PAST" tab to see the kinds of events we've had).
For our event on Thursday October 17, 2013, I'm looking for speakers on the topic of "Secure Networking" (event: http://www.meetup.com/SF-Bay-Area-Large-Scale-Production-Engineering/events/... ).
As you can see from looking at our past events, I pick a topic, and then try to get 2-3 talks on that topic. Talks are usually 20-25 minutes long. This is a technical audience, and they don't appreciate a marketing pitch. They're eager to get into the nuts and bolts of the topic, including demos, code samples, and architecture.
If you're going to be in the Bay Area then, and would be interested in giving a talk, please let me know here, or (preferably) through meetup.com.
Thanks, Chris Westin