I'm running stunnel 3.xx with thttpd (an embedded http server) on a small embedded machine on a pci card running linux. Establishing ssh, ftp, and http connections and using OpenSSL has all worked fine since they've been installed. I've been experiencing a strange issue. It seems that stunnel fails (somehow) to inform https clients that the connection has been closed. The sequence of events that I'm observing goes like this:
T+0.0s: https client initiates request on port 443 (https). T+0.1s: stunnel establishes connection with thttpd on port 80. T+0.4s: thttpd finishes and dies, closing connection with stunnel. T+0.5s: stunnel finishes sending thttpd's output to its client, and then stops, believing that it has finished that connection. If forked, this copy of stunnel dies. The client (internet explorer, firefox, mozilla... doesn't matter) still believes that the connection is active, and waits for additional data. T+10.5s: Roughly 10 seconds later the client decides that the server timed out and displays what has been sent so far, which is the entire page. The only visible symptom is that small webpages seem to take 10 seconds to load. The visible symptom, then, is that webpages below a certain size (where that size is determined by the browser's willingness to refresh its view as data is being sent) take about 10 seconds to load.
Is it possible that this behavior is due to stunnel?
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